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Bid/RFP Opportunities

 RFP Oppurtunities:

File Date Download
Erie Land Bank Vacant lots
1/11/2024 Download
Redevelopment Authority Vacant lots
1/11/2024 Download

**Completed proposal packages are to be submitted to the Redevelopment Authority located at 626 State Street, Room 107 Erie, PA


Demolition Bids Oppurtunities:

File Date Download
Due Monday, June 3rd
5/28/2024 Download

**Completed bid packages are to be submitted to the Redevelopment Authority located at 626 State Street, Room 107 Erie, PA

Rehabilitation Bids:

Please contact the homeowners directly to schedule a time to visit the project.  Homeowner contact information can be found on page 6 of the bid packages above. 

**Completed bid packages are to be submitted to the Redevelopment Authority located at 626 State Street, Room 107 Erie, PA

PREREQUISITES TO bid on projects

RACE Contractor Requirements

Contractors participating in RACE's housing rehabilitation and lead hazard control programs must maintain compliance with the minimum requirements and certifications identified below. Additionally, contractors must not be prohibited (debarred) from entering into contracts funded with federal, state, or local funds.

  • Maintain current registration as a Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor
  • Maintain compliance with US Environmental Protection Agency RRP (Repair, Renovate, and Paint) requirements - at least one employee of each contractor should have RRP certification.
  • Obtain and maintain Commercial General Liability insurance coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000. (Certificate of Insurance - with 30-day cancellation notice provision - to be provided and kept current with RACE.)
  • Obtain and maintain statutory minimum levels of Workmen's Compensation insurance as required.
  • If applicable, Maintain compliance with PA Department of Labor & Industry Lead Certification requirements (lead abatement only), including:
    • Lead Contractor Certification;
    • Employment of at least one Certified Lead Supervisor;
    • Lead Worker Certifications for all individuals working on RACE projects.